Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2017

The very first solo Trip- Cuba, the ideal destination

I don't know about you guys but when you tell anyone you plan to travel alone,they make the craziest assumptions- are you going through  something? Did you quit your Job? Don't you have any friends? Are you sure?  I always wanted to try different things my friends or Partner were not into, so i used to just give up. But things changed at some point, the answer became clear.I decided to what i really want, because why not? Life is short!

So, I started planning. I started to talk to people who had travelled alone. Most said for beginners, for a young black solo female traveller, I should probably start with Cuba or Southeast Asia. I had been to Thailand before and I wanted to try something new, so Cuba made the cut. I booked the flight , without really thinking too much, and I tried not to get scared by the fact that I don't speak any spanisch and that I was never really on my own. A friend of mine adviced me not to to book anything in advance because travelling alone means flexibility and freedom. And there I was, at the Airport with my Backpack, my Flight ticket in my Hand, no accomodation and this bitter sweet feeling I had when I left home for the first time.
So here am I boarding the plane and the pace of my heart beat increases, because now I notice people in groups, with Partnersno one alone. And here I am thinking ''what if this wasn't such a good idea, what if something happens to me, what if i find no one I can talk to or share this experience with?'' Maybe I should have been more careful and booked some few nights in a Hotel. So all in all I started panicking. But exactly at this moment comes this girl over and asks if I am travelling alone and if she could be my travelbuddy for the next hours or maybe days. Just like that, things changed. We talked about our common fears and hopes about this trip and she offered me to stop at her  Casa and find out if they available rooms for the night.
The flight was Swift, directly to Havanna with Airberlin and with some extra Legspace for free (a well appreciated gift from the Gods). If you travel from Germany, you can get a Visa/Touristcard at all airports for 25Euros. My new travelbuddy had everything planed an mapped out (contrary to me). I learned about the 2 Currencies in Cuba. The Pesos convertible (CUC) for the non-cubans and the Cuban Pesos (CUP) for Cuban natives. 1Eur=1CUC=24CUP
We shared a Cab for 25 CUC from the airport to her Casa/Hostel in Vedado, Havannas modern neighborhood. After a quick chat with the owner, I decided I could stay there for one night. I also found out, I had planned my trip in the middle of the high season in Cuba (March-August), so the prices were up and the demand for good Casas was high. Verdado is a quiet, modern neighborhood, close to the Malecon and the University of Havanna. A walk along the Malecon is obligatory.

I was yearning for anything other than quiet and peace, so the next day I packed my belongings and moved to Havanna Vieja, Havanna's Old city. With the help of some locals, I quickly found a lovely Casa I was comfortable with. It seems to work this way in Cuba, where the people are friendly, warm and always ready to help. After checking in I decided to go discover the City. Everything in Cuba is negotiable. And so the adventure began... 

Havanna was a blast: The dynamic, the energy of the City - just amazing. Networking is easy. Maybe it's the weather, maybe the Music (probably just the Cocktails).
With the local cuban currency, you can eat real, tatsy, cuban food in side bars, where you can get a dish with rice, beans and chicken-/pork for 24 CUPS. You can actually get everywhere in Havanna
for a maximum of 4 CUCs.

An easy, friendly and cheap way to discover the city is with one of the numerous Free Walking tours. I spent most of my time purposely getting lost and discovering new parts of the cities. The cuban night life is one of a kind. If you love Dancing , live music or just watching people being happy, Havanna is the place to be.
One of my favourite highlights was the Fabrica de Arte Cubana, a place of Art, live Music, Theater, Ballet (and Cocktails of course). You absolutely need to check it out. The public is kind of mixed. Young and old Cubans, Non-Cubans. It's only open from Thursdays to Sundays. Entry costs only 2CUCS, Cocktail for around 4CUCS.

I had the most breathtaking view of the Old city of Havanna from the El Christo de la Habana. It is a spot opposite to the Old-City Bay. You can reach the place by taxi or by Ferry, which is probably the most interesting of the two.

Another way to discover the City is via a  guided Taxi-Tour. Prices, length of the Tour and locations vary, depending on where you book. The main stops are the Plaza de la Revoluzion , Varadero, Miramar and of course the Malecon.



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